Our Boys...
Picture a student in your class who is really struggling with reading and writing. This student doesn’t like to read, has difficulty sitting still and paying attention, and turns in crumpled, half-completed homework. We’ve all had students like this. But chances are, as you picture this child in your mind, you are thinking of one of the boys in your class.
~Diane Connell and Betsy Gunzelmann, “The New Gender Gap” If you treat boys like they’re going to be a problem, acting up, writing silly, crude stuff, just trying to crack up the class, well, that’s exactly how they’ll be. They will rise to the level of your expectation. But if you embrace their world, treat them with respect, and take them seriously, the boys will write some meaningful things. ~Cyrene Wells, literacy consultant |
Dedicated to...

This website is dedicated to all those boys (and sometimes girls) who love to read books about adventure, gore, and mayhem; who love to draw comic strips and build skyscrapers and spaceships; who love science and informational trivia; and who have those special qualities that describe a majority of our boy learners.
The purpose of this website is to serve as a resource for my students, my classroom parents, and my colleagues as they try to understand the responsibility they have to boys (as well as girls) in appreciating their differences and needs as learners.
~Mrs.Myla Lee, classroom teacher
Novi Community Schools District
The purpose of this website is to serve as a resource for my students, my classroom parents, and my colleagues as they try to understand the responsibility they have to boys (as well as girls) in appreciating their differences and needs as learners.
~Mrs.Myla Lee, classroom teacher
Novi Community Schools District